Tanoto Foundation, Founded by Sukanto Tanoto, Looks Forward to 2017

The Tanoto Foundation, founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Sukanto Tanoto has been involved in many projects, studies and philanthropic events throughout 2016 and they have much planned for 2017. The foundation intends to focus a great deal of their time and energy on developing early childhood educational programs in Indonesia in the upcoming year.

The Tanoto Foundation’s stance on education in Indonesia

The Tanoto Foundation has always had an interest in improving on and providing education to Indonesian children. In fact, the focus on education is in line with their mantra of doing good for community, the environment and profits.

According to Sihol Aritonang, the Head of the Tanoto Foundation in Indonesia, the focus on education is not just on providing it. It’s on ensuring that education is of a good quality in Indonesia.

What the Tanoto Foundation plans for 2017 education enhancement

Sihol recently told the media that the 2017 education enhancement program will achieve the following:

  • Provision of learning tools that actually meet with standards in place on a national basis
  • Guidance, support and education for teachers in order to improve on their teaching competence
  • Boost the learning process and encourage creativity of students and graduates that show potential during the early childhood stages.

The aim of the Tanoto Foundation is to have a positive impact on the community and this is certainly done by ensuring that Indonesian children have access to a good quality education. This will ensure a more stable and solid future for Indonesia and its people.

The Tanoto Foundation has been involved in over 30 early childhood education projects across Riau, Jambi, Jakarta and Sumatra before the end of September 2016.

2017 enhanced education focus reiterates the sustainable development goals of the Foundation

Anyone who is familiar with the philanthropic efforts of the Tanoto Foundation will know that all of their activities are done in line with their sustainable development goals. These goals are the focus and teachings of visionary, Mr Sukanto Tanoto, who believes that true success can only be attained through doing good for the environment, community and the business.

The Tanoto Foundation is one that is dedicated to eliminating poverty and improving on education in Indonesia there aim to do even more in 2017 is testimony to his teachings.

Tanoto Foundation educators

Tanoto Foundation – Educators complete training courses provided by the Tanoto Foundation to improve on teaching competency


You can follow the founder, Mr Sukanto Tanoto, via social media on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or LinkedIn.

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